Mississippi River Chorale

The Mississippi River Chorale is a fine choral ensemble for adult singers in northwest Mississippi and greater Memphis area interested in building on prior choral endeavors to create a fulfilling and artistic musical product. No audition necessary. The group meets in the fall and spring semesters and generally performs two to three major concerts a year.
Spring 2025 Semester starts: January 28th
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Rehearsal
$75/semester (monthly payments available)
$20/semester for college students
Cornerstone Church
5998 Elmore Road, Southaven
2024-2025 Calendar
September 3rd: Rehearsals begin
November 4th: Fall Concert @ Maples Memorial United Methodist Church
December 13th: Christmas with CoroRio dress rehearsal
December 14th: Christmas with CoroRio @ The Cannon Center for Performing Arts
January 28th: Spring Semester begins, rehearsals resume
April 10th: Spring Concert @ Maples Memorial United Methodist Church
May 3rd: CoroRio Spring Concert
If you are interested in joining us this coming season or in the future,
fill out our short interest form below and we will contact you with additional information!
CEU Opportunity
For this season, MRC was qualified to give 2.0 CEUs for participation (25 hours). Participants must sign in with the operations assistant for attendance. Three absences are allowed. Applications can be picked up from the executive director at the end of each semester.
Please mail your completed application* and a $20 fee to:
CEUs, Office of Continuing Education, Mississippi College, Box 4031, Clinton, MS 39058
*Applications for the 2024-2025 Season will be available by semester, beginning in December 2024 (Fall '24) and May 2025 (Spring '25).
*There is an option to pay online but you will still need to mail in the CEU Request form. Include the order payment confirmation number instead of a check.
"MRC has been a wonderful addition to my life since I found them. I had been away from choral music or a long time, but felt welcomed by the group and challenged by the repertoire presented with each season. It has been awesome to get to watch the younger choirs grow musically, as well as to see MRC get and become much more than a chorus, but to become a community."
-Amy Lillard

"I was uncertain about trying out MRC when I first heard about it, having sung in other community choirs before and feeling that I was too busy to add one more thing into my life. But at the urging of a friend, I came, and then I never wanted to leave! MRC is unique in that it combines the sociality and personal connection of high school choir, with the musicality and expectations of college choir--best of both worlds in my opinion!! You will find friends, you will find a place of belonging, you will feel valued, you will make incredible music, and you will grow as a musician. MRC has totally been worth making time for."
-Annie Arrington