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CoroRio Spring Concert

Join us for our 11th annual spring concert on Saturday, May 4th at 4:00 pm at the Heindl Center for the Performing Arts, on the campus of Northwest Community College in Senatobia, MS. Featuring all the choirs of the MidSouth Music Institute, CoroNino, CoroCorriente, CoroArroyo, CoroFuente, CoroRio, and the Mississippi River Chorale will join together to present "Ignite."

At the concert, we will be celebrating members who have been a part of CoroRio for three or more years by awarding the traditional three-year cords, as well as recognizing all graduating seniors. The Board of Directors is also pleased to be awarding the first annual Reese and Joelle Norris Service Through Music Scholarship award. It is sure to be an event you won’t want to miss!

Alumni are encouraged to attend and join in our traditional closing of "An Old Irish Blessing."  YOU are an essential part of the fabric of who and what this organization is today and we want you to come celebrate with us!  Click here for a link to the music and practice tracks in case you want to brush up in advance!


General admission for the concert is $12 at the venue.

Full Book with Bleed 23-24 CoroRio