The CoroRio Mission
The mission of CoroRio is to offer children of all backgrounds the opportunity to better themselves and the community around them through the gift of music.
The CoroRio Mission
The mission of CoroRio is to offer children of all backgrounds the opportunity to better themselves and the community around them through the gift of music.
The CoroRio Vision
Our vision is to transform the lives of children from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds by giving them the skills, self-discipline and confidence to succeed in music and in life. The organization will strive to serve the community by offering various concerts throughout each season that expose the students and the audience to a variety of repertoire from around the world, past and present.
The CoroRio Vision
Our vision is to transform the lives of children from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds by giving them the skills, self-discipline and confidence to succeed in music and in life. The organization will strive to serve the community by offering various concerts throughout each season that expose the students and the audience to a variety of repertoire from around the world, past and present.
Program Description
CoroRio is an educationally based choral ensemble program designed to serve students ages 3-18 in the greater Memphis and North Mississippi region who desire musical enrichment. Participants learn healthy vocal technique, sight-reading, and music theory while experiencing performance excellence. The learning environment is creative, explorative, and fun. The students form lasting relationships with others outside of their community and develop a lifelong appreciation of music.
Program Description
CoroRio is an educationally based choral ensemble program designed to serve students ages 3-18 in the greater Memphis and North Mississippi region who desire musical enrichment. Participants learn healthy vocal technique, sight-reading, and music theory while experiencing performance excellence. The learning environment is creative, explorative, and fun. The students form lasting relationships with others outside of their community and develop a lifelong appreciation of music.
Organizational Structure
The MidSouth Music Institute, Inc. (MMI) is a non-profit organization under Internal Revenue code section 501(c)(3) under which CoroRio operates. MMI is recognized as a choral arts education venue of equal opportunity for young people and will be eligible to apply for grants and seek and accept donations in return for tax credit. This status will assist the choir with growth and reaching full potential. Volunteer hours are deeply appreciated, monitored, a requested component of grant proposals, and extremely important to the success of the program.
MMI is governed by a Board of Directors. The organization also has an outstanding Teacher Advisory Council and is seeking to develop an active Parent Association.
Organizational Structure
The MidSouth Music Institute, Inc. (MMI) is a non-profit organization under Internal Revenue code section 501(c)(3) under which CoroRio operates. MMI is recognized as a choral arts education venue of equal opportunity for young people and will be eligible to apply for grants and seek and accept donations in return for tax credit. This status will assist the choir with growth and reaching full potential. Volunteer hours are deeply appreciated, monitored, a requested component of grant proposals, and extremely important to the success of the program.
MMI is governed by a Board of Directors. The organization also has an outstanding Teacher Advisory Council and is seeking to develop an active Parent Association.
Young singers ages 3 through 4th grade may join the program without any prior experience and do not need to audition. Singers in grades 5-12 are invited to participate in a choir based on the skills demonstrated through an audition. You can find more information about our audition "Meet and Greet" process HERE. MMI welcomes young people of all races, backgrounds, and abilities to be a part of the program.
It is expected that members of MMI understand the meaning of commitment and responsibility in a choral setting. Each child and parent should consider membership in the choir as an honor. Dedication to the program will enhance the singer and their family’s personal experience and will foster a strong foundation of responsibility for the singer.
Membership in CoroRio is for one full season - August through May. Each singer is expected to remain active and committed for the entire season.
Young singers ages 3 through 4th grade may join the program without any prior experience and do not need to audition. Singers in grades 5-12 are invited to participate in a choir based on the skills demonstrated through an audition. You can find more information about our audition "Meet and Greet" process HERE. MMI welcomes young people of all races, backgrounds, and abilities to be a part of the program.
It is expected that members of MMI understand the meaning of commitment and responsibility in a choral setting. Each child and parent should consider membership in the choir as an honor. Dedication to the program will enhance the singer and their family’s personal experience and will foster a strong foundation of responsibility for the singer.
Membership in CoroRio is for one full season - August through May. Each singer is expected to remain active and committed for the entire season.