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Arroyo, Rio, Fuente Retreat- January 22nd, 2022

UPDATE:  Due to the rapidly rising number of COVID cases in Desoto County and within our own group, we have decided that it would best to postpone the retreat until Saturday, March 5th from 11am – 4pm.  We apologize for the last minute change in plans and any inconveniences that poses.  Please be sure to mark March 5th on your calendars and let us know ASAP if you have an unavoidable conflict.

The annual Winter Retreat for Arroyo, Rio and Fuente will be held on Saturday, January 22nd from 11am – 4pm at Grace Bible Church (7145 Malone Road, Olive Branch). This is our first retreat back since the 2019-2020 season and we can’t wait!  It is heavy on the FUN and FRIENDS side and we think everyone could use an extra dose of both of those things right now!

  • Please wear a CoroRio t-shirt if you have one- but no biggie if you don’t. (Everyone will get a new CoroRio shirt this spring!)
  • Pizza lunch will be provided- please bring your own drink (and a water bottle for the day would also be a good idea).  If you can’t or don’t prefer to eat pizza, feel free to bring a sack lunch.
  • We will be doing some singing together on Tuba and our finale for the year, “I Will Make The Difference”, but a majority of the day will be spent on team-building and leadership activities.  We will explain the process for applying for a position on our new student leadership team.  There will also be plenty of social time to allow you to meet some new friends!
  • We are hiring someone new in to do the team-building and leadership activities and are excited for you to experience something different.
  • All conflicts should have been communicated by January 4th, but if you end up being sick, please make sure to reach out to us!  Just not showing up for this mandatory event is not acceptable. This event is extremely important to the overall health and growth of each choir and the organization as a whole.
  • P.S.  We may have a big announcement to make about our Christmas with CoroRio Concert for 2022 that you will not want to miss!!