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CoroNino Demonstration at Teacher Workshop

Time: 11:45 am – 1:00 pm


Location: Longview Point Baptist Church, 1100 McIngvale Rd, Hernando (Use Main entrance and you will see us set up in the Lobby area right when you walk in the door.


What: We will sing a lot of our solfege song and exercises, play solfege “Around the World”, Poison Rhythm, Poison Solfege, and Spin the Wheel, demonstrate our score drills (finding a page, system measure in our music), and also show our rhythmic dictation (takadidmi drills). We will close by singing our concert repertoire, just for fun! 🙂


Wear: School clothes are fine, but a CoroRio tshirt would be great if you have one!

If you plan to bring your child, don’t forget to let us know by filling out this quick form.  Thanks so much!  Sign up Your Singer Here