The dress rehearsal for the Christmas with CoroRio concert will be held at Brown Missionary Baptist Church (7200 Swinnea Rd, Southaven- behind Kohl’s) on Friday, December 14th. Students can come in casual attire. This is a required rehearsal for students. Please see call times below.
Full Schedule
4:15 Nino and Corriente arrive
5:30 Arroyo, Rio, Fuente join Nino & Corriente for full group rehearsal
6:15 Nino and Corriente dismissed
7:30 Arroyo, Rio, Fuente dismissed
Individual Choir Schedules
4:15-6:15 Nino & Corriente
5:30-7:30 Arroyo, Rio, Fuente
Students will be given a red scarf or tie at rehearsal on Friday that they are to wear on Saturday with their all black concert attire (3/4 or longer sleeved black shirt, black pants, black shoes). Please see the concert information post for more details on call time for Saturday.
Get all the concert details HERE
Purchase tickets HERE