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Professional Headshots by Jaime Alldread Available for Purchase!

We were thrilled to welcome Jaime Alldread as the official photographer for the 2018 CoroRio program book. We think you will be pleased with her work and also the process for purchasing the pictures.  New this year is online ordering (no more remembering to send back the envelope by the dealine!) and also the option for prints OR a digital download for just $23.99 so you can make your own prints and use however you wish- just in time for Christmas gifts!  You will find the headshots organized by choir below, and then a separate link for the group pictures.

Notes from Jaime:

First I would like to thank CoroRio for this opportunity to capture your child’s headshot for their program. I had a lot of fun working with all of the kids. They truly were a joy.

Printing can be tricky. I try to offer my clients digital images so that they can print what they want and aren’t forced to buy a package of prints they don’t actually need or want. All digital images are in an 8×12 format. This means anything outside of that format will have to be cropped. For instance, if you are ordering an 8×10 print you will lose 2 inches of the original image. MPIX has a cropping section that you WILL need to click on and make sure the crop is set how you like it. If you don’t adjust the crop your print will end up losing an inch at the top and an inch at the bottom. MPIX will just center it and your print will have a portion of the head cut off. The same will hold true with the group pictures. I have tried them all on MPIX and 8×10’s will work losing very little of the image. These images were resized when putting them on the white background so they are not a true 8×12 format. A couple of the groups you will have to rotate them from a vertical to a horizontal look and lose the feet but as a parent I know all I care about is faces.

The cropping will also hold true on my SmugMug site if you choose to order paper prints through that site.

I only recommend the in-store printing at the Hernando Walgreens. Their color is very close to my computers color. Online at Walgreens is not a good choice at all. You can order online and send them to the store and they will print in the store for you to pick up. Just don’t order online to be mailed to you.

In closing I would like to add that I only guarantee prints that you have personally ordered with me. This means you have contacted me and I am uploading and ordering the picture to be shipped to my home for quality checking and then I will ship or deliver to you. This is an additional cost. I truly hope you enjoy your pictures!!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to text or email and I will do my best to walk you through the printing process.

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to Jaime at [email protected].  Also, please go visit her Facebook page and give her some likes!

CoroRio Group Pictures

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