Amy Touchstone
Executive Director
Amy Touchstone, a native of Fredericksburg, VA, received her Bachelors of Music Education, Vocal Emphasis from Mississippi College. She is a member of the National Association for Music Educators (NAfME) and the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). She serves on the leadership team for Facets, a Leadership Retreat for Women Conductors.
Before becoming Executive Director of CoroRio and the MidSouth Music Institute, Amy taught choral music in the traditional classroom setting for nine and a half years at Hernando Middle School (Hernando, MS), Hernando High School (Hernando, MS), Madison Ridgeland Academy (Madison, MS) and Blythewood Middle School (Blythewood, SC). Choirs under her direction have received Excellent and Superior ratings at festivals and competitions, earning Grand Champion titles. She has also served the Mississippi Chapter of ACDA as a Summer Conference Conductor (June 2022), is a Mississippi College Presser Scholar, and is an avid performer. Her favorite roles include "Mother" in Ragtime and "Cherubino" in Le Nozze di Figaro. She currently sings with the Mississippi River Chorale in northwest Mississippi.
During her time in South Carolina, Amy was a member of Limited Time Only (LTO), a chamber choir of music educators in the South Carolina Midlands. With LTO, she traveled to Taiwan in July of 2019 on a performance tour and served as the Children's Choir director for the Voice of the Light Festival in Tainan, Taiwan.
In addition to her administrative duties with CoroRio, Amy conducts CoroCorriente, CoroArroyo, and teaches a First Steps in Music class.