Wow! We have had a great year so far, and Christmas with CoroRio was just the perfect finishing touch to the fall season. Relive all the memories by ordering the video – you can order the video at any time on this order form. Need last year’s video? We can do that too, just send us an email instead of the form.
Thank you to each of you for your continued support and enthusiasm for our music community. Your participation and engagement really made Christmas with CoroRio a joyful success!

The Spring Season offers more opportunities for adding to our choral community. Be sure to invite friends to be a guest at rehearsals. You know they will have a great time! Enrollment in all youth choirs is open to new members from now until February 28th, so tell everyone who you know needs to be singing with us! Just two more rehearsals left for folks to come and visit!
Be on the lookout on our social media for announcements about DeSoto’s Got Talent! Help us get the word out – this is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and we would love to have as many students participate as we can! The turn around is faster than we would like it to be, so we need your help sharing this with the community!
This year, we are encouraging our CoroRio students to participate by lowering the registration cost to $15 – general public registration ($25) is still welcome and highly encouraged! Applications are due next Friday (2/21) and performance rounds will take place Monday, February 24th and Monday, March 24th at Grace Bible Church in Olive Branch. All the info will be available on the webpage at’s-got-talent/

Look ahead and mark your calendars for these events for the rest of the semester!

March 1st: Registration opens for Camp CoroRio! Each summer, we have the BEST time learning and singing together at camp CoroRio! Don’t miss Early Bird Registration discounts – just $100 from March 1-15. Regular registration is open from March 16-May 31 for $125, and late registration is open from June 1-20 for $150. Camp will be June 23-27, 2025.
March 17th and 18th: Rescheduled Rehearsal – All of our conducting staff will be traveling to Dallas for a professional development conference, so we will be moving rehearsal from Tuesday the 18th to Monday the 17th. Same time, same place, just a different evening of the week!
April 1st-15th: Reese and Joelle Norris Service Through Music Scholarship applications OPEN! If you are a senior planning to major or minor in a musical field next year in college, this scholarship is for you! This annual $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student who is currently involved in CoroRio, plans to pursue a career related to music, and has demonstrated a passion for serving others through music, like our founders Reese and Joelle. Applications will be reviewed by the MMI Board of Directors and the scholarship will be awarded at the CoroRio spring concert April 29th. Link to the application will be posted on Band, the homepage of the website, and social media on April 1st.

April 10th: Mississippi River Chorale Spring Concert, Maples Memorial at 6:30 PM – Everyone is invited to this free concert! A raffle for a free registration for the 2025-2026 season will benefit the annual Norris Service Through Music Scholarship fund will take place during the concert.
April 28th: Spring Concert rehearsal at Cornerstone! Since we have moved our concert to a regularly scheduled rehearsal evening, we will need to rehearse on Monday night instead in preparation. Rehearsals will take place at their standard Tuesday evening times, just on Monday night instead.
April 29th: CoroRio Spring Concert at the Heindl Center in Senatobia! This is a great time to celebrate all that we’ve enjoyed and accomplished this year, including announcing the 2025 recipient of the Norris Service Through Music Scholarship! Invite your friends and families to mark their calendars! This is a change from our typical Saturday afternoon concert due to scheduling conflicts at performance venues – to alleviate any other scheduling conflicts we have decided to go with a Tuesday evening that students would normally be in rehearsal anyway. We’re sorry for any inconvenience that the later concert time will cause for families attending the concert, but hope to have as many come and celebrate our end of the season as possible! Families will receive one complimentary ticket per student registered – additional tickets will be $10 in advance and $12 at the door. A ticket order form will be sent out after spring break. Concert will begin at 6:30, the doors open to the public at 6:00. Official call times will be announced soon, but will not be earlier than 5:00.
May 6: Final CoroRio Rehearsal of the Season/Wrap Up Party – Our final rehearsal of the season – same time, same place as our standard Tuesday evening rehearsals! Students will enjoy snacks and games as we reflect on the season and return music and materials.
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