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All CoroRio members are required to sell $125 in ads for our annual Program Book. This is our ONLY required organizational fund-raiser for the year.  The founders and Board of Directors do not wish to place any unnecessary burdens on families by requiring several fund-raisers throughout the year in addition to monthly tuition.


Many people wonder why a tuition based program needs any fund-raisers at all! This single fund-raiser is essential to the success of the organization for several reasons. Our projected tuition for the year is just slightly above the amount needed to cover the salaries of our Executive Director, Artistic Director, 5 conductors, 3 accompanists, sight singing and music theory instructor and voice instructor. The registration fees are just enough to cover uniforms, music, and retreat costs for each student for the year. Beyond these basic expenses, funds are needed for recording expenses, concert expenses (that include hiring instrumentalists, facility usage charges, and printing costs for posters and concert programs), advertising, general liability insurance, professional memberships and development, non-profit expenses, scholarships, software, and other office related expenses. Equally as important, the program book also helps raise awareness about the organization in the community. Increased community support helps us in our eligibility for future grants.


We know that families are getting hit up by every organization to help with fund-raising, so our goal is to stream-line our efforts to help alleviate as much of the burden as possible. Any other fund-raisers offered will be optional activities for students who wish to raise money to help with their tuition, trips, or other miscellaneous CoroRio expenses.


Ad sales must be completed by September 26, 2017. Please find resources to help you with your sales below. If you need additional sample program books (from last year) please let Mrs. Norris know.



Families with multiple children in CoroRio:

The MMI board realizes that selling the required ads for multiple children could be a burden since you are sharing potential resources. Please find the adjusted requirements below.

  • 1st student= $125
  • 2nd student= $65
  • 3rd student = $35

The additional fund-raising policy will remain the same regardless of how many students your family has participating. 50% of sales over $125 for each student can be used for tuition and travel. (See Ad Sales Instructions below for more information)


Ad Sale Instructions

Ad Sale Request Letter

Ad Sales Sheet

Ad Sale Thank You Letter